What is Hospice Care

HOSPICE CARE is a program of care and support that you may want to consider if you or someone you care for is terminally ill.  HOSPICE CARE is a special way of caring for people. It is given by a public agency or private company approved by Medicare. It is for ALL age groups, including children, adults, and elderly during their final stages of life.


Here are some important facts about hospice:

  • Hospice provides comfort and support services to people who are terminally ill. It helps them live out the time they have remaining to the fullest extent possible.
  • Hospice care is provided by a specially trained team that cares for the “whole person”, including his or her physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs.
  • Hospice provides support to family members caring for a terminally – ill person.
  • Hospice is generally given in the home.
  • Hospice services may include medications, physical care, counseling, equipment and supplies for the terminal illness and related condition(s).
  • Hospice is Not only for people with cancer.
  • Hospice doesn’t shorten or prolong life.
  • Hospice focuses on comfort, not curing an illness.